Sunday, July 12, 2009


On Thursday, I went for an ultrasound!! I was so anxious about it, and I'm not even sure why! Anyway, I went for the ultrasound, and got to see many interesting baby developments! And found out that our jellybean is a girl!! We are so thrilled!
I also got to see what the baby looks like too, so very exciting. There are a couple pictures here, one of them is of the baby's face. You can see facial features ( even though they are a little squished by fluid and a hand on one side) and you can also see hair! This little baby already has a curl on her forehead!
I have found that ultrasounds are one of the coolest things. This little one also smiled in the ultrasound, however the technician didn't capture a picture at that time... shucks!

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Look who's two!

Well, on June 25th, Ethan turned two!! He is such an energetic young boy! For his birthday we had planned a pool party, but due to the unfortunate situation of living in Saskatchewan, and weather being as unpredictable as it is, we had to cancel that and make new plans!
So we had an indoor "playground" instead. With a ball crawl, slide and a tunnel.

Ethan loves Bob the Builder (Bob Build as he calls him) so we decided it would be very appropriate for us to make him a Lofty cake. My mom and I slaved for a couple hours making the cake, which we think turned out pretty decent! Ethan really enjoyed it, but wanted to pick all the smarties off!

Since he's turned two, he has learned so many new words, that actually sound like what they are supposed to!
The only thing that has really sucked, is that he got the chicken pox the Monday after his birthday party! Odd considering he was vaccinated! So with these itchy spots all over and him not feeling too well, I understand why he's been a bit grumpy! After all I would be too!

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