Monday, April 21, 2008

WOW!! It's been a while!

Well, we all thought spring was here until it snowed....
Anyway, so much has happened in the last few weeks. First of all I got promoted to Team leader with Partylite and earned the leader retreat this last weekend, where it snowed....lots!!
The boys had doctors appointments this last week. They are both healthy!! Zacharie weighs 44lbs!! Ethan weighs 24lbs!!! They are growing so fast. Zacharie had to have blood work done (as routine) and he did so good!!
When I was gone this weekend, they missed me, and that's good. Well for me it is. I decided that I am not going back to work and that I am going to contiue teaching piano, and doing Partylite. I want nothing more than to be with my boys, and Tyler makes enough that we can survive on, anything that I bring in is extra!! And because Partylite is going so well, I have decided that I would far rather do that than have someone dictate to me when I can or can not have a day or weekend off. I hope that my family will continue to support me.
I am looking forward to the next few weeks, they are a bit more relaxing than the past months have been. So if any one is up for coffee, I am readily available!!
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1 comment:

Robyn Jones said...

I need a break after spending a week in the hospital with Jeremy.....I am tired of puking...crying and other things I can't mention on here...

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