Friday, March 14, 2008

Busy-ness becomes me....

I have decided that I love taking pictures and editing them!! It is so much fun, especially ones like this one, of my boys!! They are so very adorable!! I have figured out a way to add lots of them to this page, I just want to edit and crop some of them, so you all need to be patient!
Well after a busy week, I have an even busier weekend! I am doing a starter show for one of my friends, who has decided to start with Partylite! I am so excited for her!! So we are spending the day in Moose Jaw with them, and then her and I are gonna have some fun in the evening. If you ever want to have a hilarious experience, have a candle party! The last one I did, was my mom's and we had so much fun....
Next week is St. Patricks Day! And then Good Friday, and then Easter.... then Zacharie's 3rd Birthday. Like I said, busy.
I can't believe Zacharie is three already!!! I remember when he was first born.... seems so long ago. Now he talks and goes pee on the potty! Funny how quickly kids grow up.
No, we're not having another one...yet. We'd like to wait a bit. And aim for a girl... so everyone pray that we have a girl! Ha Ha!
Not too much else is new. I got a new phone, a Motorola Q. Its like a palm pilot, only not that brand and its a phone too. I am actually looking to see if I can find a program that I can install onto it that is the bible. If anyone knows of one, let me know.
I should get going, have to clean my house.... again. We're having small group here, so I need to get on top of that right away.

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